Strategic public management for SME competitiveness in processes of internationalisation of the italian economy

Giorgia Citarella

Strategic public management for SME competitiveness in processes of internationalisation of the italian economy

This book deals with and discusses an issue of extreme interest for the Italian economy: the strategic public management for SME competitiveness in processes of internationalisation of the Italian economy collocated in the applied scientific research & development strand which examines problems from their structural elements inserted within a rigorous theoretical and methodological framework.

Pagine: 204

ISBN: 9788891794536

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Codice editore: 390.1.2

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

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Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Giorgia Citarella's study on Strategic Public Management for SME Competitiveness in Processes of Internationalisation of the Italian Economy, collocated in the applied scientific research & development strand which examines problems from their structural elements inserted within a rigorous theoretical and methodological framework, deals with and discusses an issue of extreme interest for the Italian economy.
The multi-perspective knowledge-intensive study contributes in terms of considerable added value to the issue of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises that constitute the backbone of the Italian economic system not only as regards size and impact on GDP, but also for the ability to innovate within the global competitive context of product quality and services. Secondly, given that internationalisation is a crucial process for a country such as Italy, desire for more sustained and sustainable growth with respect to recent decades is highlighted. Thirdly, public-private partnership, frequently evoked in debates and conferences is still a scarce occurrence, partly because the instrument has not yet been able to overcome the limits of mutual distrust.
This broad ranging and scrupulous commitment to applied scientific research & development, conducted according to the canons of modern academia, gives the attentive reader much stimulus for reflection.

Giorgia Citarella (Ph.D in Management & Information Technology, Department of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno) addresses her scientific-professional interest to Economic and Business Management, Business Management and Development, Strategic Business Dynamics, Strategic Business Planning and Processes, Innovation Management and Marketing Fundamentals. She also collaborates as an expert in the above disciplines with the Department of Business Economics, Department of Management & Innovation System and the Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM) at the University of Salerno.
In the context of an Agreement stipulated by DIEM and BPER Bank pertaining to Applied Scientific Research & Development, Giorgia Citarella collaborates in promoting research and studies on the Internationalisation of the Italian Economy and the Role of Credit Institutions in the Reorganisation of the Value Chain of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
Furthermore, in the context of an Agreement stipulated by DIEM and BANCA MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA she also collaborates on the Project Internationalisation of the Italian Economy and the Role of Banking in Reshaping the SME Value Chain.
Her ongoing research projects include Project Big Data, Decision support systems for big data analysis, Department of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno.
The theoretical studies and empirical investigations concerning Internationalisation of the Italian Economy and Strategic Public Management for SME Competitiveness and the Role of Banking in Reshaping the SME Value Chains constitute her most relevant area of scientific & applied research.

Elio Borgonovi, Presentation
Part I. The Italian economy and internationalisation
Competing on international markets
(Recent dynamics at international scale; Destructuring productive activity; Exports and Italian GDP; The Positioning of SME production)
SMEs and the European horizon
(SMEs and EU Action Programmes; SMEs and the Italian Context; Support policies; The Juncker Plan and economic recovery)
Part II. Strategic public management for the competitiveness of Italian SMEs
Strategies for internationalization
(The Internationalisation process in the Italian productive system; SMEs for competitiveness; Strategies in foreign markets; Support policies; Tools for SME growth and development in the Mezzogiorno of Italy; Competitiveness and innovation for SMEs)
The vision of Italian organisations, Institutions and Public corporations
(Strategies for growth; ICE, SIMEST and SACE, management and tools; Banking Institutes and SME investments; The role of Investment Promotion Communities; The contribution of public funding at territorial scale; Coordination of local policies)

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