Ruggiero Sardaro, Piermichele La Sala

The technical efficiency of the Apulian winegrowing farms with different irrigation water supply systems

Economia agro-alimentare

Fascicolo: 2 / 2020

Apulia has a considerable demand of irrigation water, however high inefficiency levels of the collective water networks force most of the regional farms to use groundwater, with a consequent worsening of its quality, as well as of soil and crops characteristics. Therefore, the use of sustainable supply methodsfor irrigation water is desirable both through improvements of the collective networks and by appropriate economic tools.However, making the correct choices in these matters requires knowledge concerning the effects of the present water supply systems on the economic performance of farms.The objective of this study is to measure and compare the technical efficiency of winegrowing farms in northern Apulia that use different supply systems for irrigation water: groundwater from private wells, irrigation water from collective networks, and irrigation water from both private wells and collective networks. The results enable to understand if and how different supply systems of irrigation water affect the management of productive factors and inputs. These findings also provide useful information for appropriate policies aimed at preserving groundwater and its externalities, as well as at improving the economic performance of Apulian farms.

A cura della Redazione



Fascicolo: 2 / 2018

Francesco Contò, Mariantonietta Fiore

Cooperative strategies and value creation in sustainable food supply chain.

Proceedings of the 54th SIDEA Conference - 25th, SIEA Conference Bisceglie/Trani, September 13th - 16th 2017

This book contains the proceedings of the LIV Conference SIDEA and the XXV Convention SIEA, with the formula of a joint Conference titled “Cooperative strategies and value creation in sustainable food supply chain”. Cooperation in all its forms represents a valuable paradigm to define new horizons of development and build new organizational models of value creation according to a sustainable approach not referred to a single unit, but to the entire supply chain. The thematic areas have allowed us to investigate the issue in all its aspects, starting from the analysis of the main production and consumption models, up to organizational models, forms of territorial, sectoral and environmental cooperation, and policies with which to add value to the supply chain.

cod. 10365.25

Barbara Cafarelli, Piermichele La Sala, Giustina Pellegrini, Mariantonietta Fiore

Consumers’ preferences investigation for extra virgin olive oil basing on conjoint analysis


Fascicolo: 1 / 2017

The present work is aimed to analyse extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) consumers’ preferences, identifying those attributes that more influence consumers’ choices. In order to reach this goal, a conjoint analysis was implemented. Furthermore, the study evaluates the influence of standard and healthy characteristic on consumers preferences, such as the presence of EVOO’s natural antioxidant compounds (polyphenols). Firstly, an explorative survey was carried out, in order to investigate the EVOO market. Basing on results obtained through explorative survey, a web-based questionnaire was realized using Survey Analytics software. Results show that the most important consumers’ attributes are: country of origin, label’s information, polyphenol’s presence.

Anna Paola Antonazzo, Mariantonietta Fiore, Piermichele La Sala, Francesco Contò

Assessing perceptions of wine tourists on organic wine


Fascicolo: 2 / 2015

Wine consumption has, over the years, assumed an important cultural and social value which might be considered ‘hedonistic’. The evocativeness of wines lies in its recalling its territory of origin, and this function emerges especially among consumers who tend to travel in wine-producing regions. The establishment of the Reg. (EC) No. 834/2007 complemented by Reg. (EU) No. 203/2012 marking the transition from the "made from organic grapes" label to the "organic wine" label, enhanced the economic-ecological and social meaning of oenological products. Although the wine consumer focuses more on price, packaging and brand awareness, new trends in consumer preferences are moving towards innovative oenological products characterized by low sulfite and lower alcohol content. The purpose of this study is to assess perception of organic wine within a sample of consumers who are willing to travel to consume quality wine and to experience other particular attributes such as Protected Designation of Origin and region of origin, as well as price. The methodology consisted of Choice Experiments. The survey was conducted in June and July of 2013 in a region in the South of Italy. The data was collected during the "Calici di Stelle" event in Trani (Apulia), which is an annual wine tasting event aimed at fostering wine tourism in regions whose wine companies invest particularly in the high quality and sustainability of their products. We expect that organic certification labels will have a significant influence on the process of turning wine ‘credence’ attributes into ‘search’ attributes and could have a positive influence on the choice of a wine from the shelf. Filling the information gap in consumers’ perception of organic components may improve the competitiveness of local producers in the global market.

Francesco Contò, Piermichele La Sala, Paolo Papapietro, Mariantonietta Fiore

Fiscalità e agricoltura: nuovi strumenti per la competitività dei sistemi agroalimentari. Un modello di intervento in Basilicata


Fascicolo: 1 / 2012

The crisis in the agricultural sector in the last two years has highlighted the need to help business operators through actions that improve system efficiency and reduce costs, including through tax, financial and administrative concessions. Especially in more specialized areas, can be representative in this sense the experience of industrial districts, business networks and supply chains, in relation to which the national legislation provides tax, administrative, financial and support for research & development benefits. Specifically, it is crucial to define, in the light of the federal reform in place, the best practices that allow the definition of a model district, as a form of territorial organization of local development, such as to maximize the economic and fiscal benefits provided by Financial Laws for 2006 and 2008/09, the Law 133 of 2008 and so-colled anticrisis Law and the possible opportunities arising from the implementation of federal reforms and their impact locally. The research takes as the territorial area Lucania of Metapontino, which were promoted with great ability concertation, several partnerships in the food industry: the Agrifood District of Quality, Integrated Food Chain Projects, Programs for Local Development of the Local Action Groups. The results show, firstly, the importance of the district and food chains for the value of the area by improving the organization of business functions and governance. On the other hand, show how, through the implementation of an empirical model built on data of the regional economy, some political relief, through reduction of the interventions of social charges on the firm and the worker, may, in a perspective of local government federal, cause a positive impact on the local component of the value added and, therefore, income from capital and labor. Therefore, cooperation between the food sector stakeholders see that the variable tax tables included in the bargaining at the local level could certainly be successful for the level of welfare of economic agents.

Francesco Contò, Piermichele La Sala

Networks territoriali e reti di imprese.

Circuiti di sviluppo integrato per l'agroalimentare lucano

La ricerca tenta di disegnare un sistema cognitivo per la pianificazione territoriale e settoriale delle principali filiere agroalimentari lucane e di proiettarle in una moderna ipotesi di pianificazione spaziale a livello interregionale e transnazionale.

cod. 365.934

Francesco Contò, Piermichele La Sala

Approccio territoriale e sviluppo locale.

Il programma di sviluppo del Distretto Agroalimentare di Qualità del Metapontino

Il Distretto Agroalimentare di Qualità del Metapontino si è affermato, nel panorama regionale e nazionale, quale modello reale in grado di organizzare “intelligentemente” lo sviluppo locale di un’area rurale. Il volume ci racconta come, e mette in evidenza i tanti “come si fa” a trasformare in fatti le teorie consolidate e quelle più innovative presenti nella letteratura scientifica corrente.

cod. 365.853

Stefano Boccaletti

Cambiamenti nel sistema alimentare.

Nuovi problemi, strategie, politiche. XLVI Convegno Sidea, Piacenza, 16-19 settembre 2009

Gli Atti del XLVI Convegno di Studi della Società italiana di Economia agraria affrontano alcune tra le tematiche prevalenti nell’analisi economica del sistema agro-alimentare.

cod. 1610.59