Stefana Broadbent, Silvia Ferraris

Embracing change and supporting transitions

Approaches to systemic change in products, services and systems

The volume presents a series of studies and reflections on how design is approaching the transition towards more uncertain futures: novel ways of integrating new disciplines such as data analysis, artificial intelligence, neurosciences into practice and theory and explore the extension of design processes to develop new frameworks for tackling major societal and environmental changes.

cod. 10319.27

Carla Sedini

Collectively Designing Social Worlds

History and Potential of Social Innovation

What are the social facts that led to the need to activate social innovation processes? What is (and what can be) the role of design in these processes?
The challenges of modernity and post-modernity have led designers to become often protagonists and activators of sustainable and social innovation processes, possible thanks to users' and stakeholders' involvement in co-creation processes.
This book adopts a multidisciplinary approach to eviscerate social innovation as a concept with its foundation in theoretical, political, and methodological domains. The present discussion will be based on sociology and design. The first will mainly define the theoretical framework of reference; the second will mostly deal with experimental and applied research dealing with social innovation.

cod. 10319.6

Giampaolo Nuvolati, Fortunata Piselli

La città: bisogni, desideri, diritti.

La città diffusa: stili di vita e popolazioni metropolitane

Il volume presenta, con diverse prospettive e sfaccettature di analisi, le trasformazioni urbane della società globalizzata e, in particolare, analizza i fenomeni di redistribuzione residenziale che hanno contribuito a definire gli schemi di crescita urbana negli ultimi decenni e le ripercussioni che tutto ciò determina sull’apertura e sulla fruibilità quotidiana della città.

cod. 1561.79