Alessandro Gandini, Elisabetta Risi

Tracce digitali e ricerca sociologica

Riflessioni ed esperienze di sociologia digitale

Il libro presenta una collezione di studi e ricerche di matrice sociologica che raccoglie la sfida posta dalla società digitale, utilizzando le tracce digitali come porta di accesso allo studio dei fenomeni sociali.

cod. 1097.1.21

Ivana Pais, Alessandro Gandini

Looking for a Job Online. An International Survey on Social Recruiting


Fascicolo: 137 / 2015

The paper examines the use of social network sites as a new channel for job search and hiring, looking at the implications this has on candidates and recruiters. This will be done thanks to an online survey, conducted between March and June 2014, which collected responses from more than 17.000 candidates and 1500 recruiters from 24 countries and which includes a specific focus on the dynamics concerning Italy. The main questions this article tackles are: what kind of candidates and firms use social media in the recruitment process; what is the effectiveness of social media in the matching between supply and demand in the labour market; how candidates represent themselves online and how their digital reputation impacts on job search, potentially changing the role of social capital in social recruiting.