Disuguaglianze a livello individuale e a livello di contesto: significati e indicazioni per l’uso - Drugs consumption, both paid by the Health Service and bought by users themselves, is analysed on the basis of population’s available assets using data from the 2005 National Survey on Population’s Health held by the Italian National Institute of Statistics. Results show differences if the economic indicator is at family level or regional level: in the first case, more disadvantaged people’s consumptions are higher; in the second case, people living in richer regions use more drugs. These data however change also according to consumers’ age. The hypothetic explanation is that at individual level the economic indicator is very much connected to health conditions, while at regional level there can be a wider economic possibility to buy drugs autonomously. The conclusion a methodological one emphasizes the need to study similar situations through stratified analyses. Keywords: equity, contextual indicators, individual indicators, analysis methods, drugs consumption, epidemiology. Parole chiave: equità, indicatori di contesto, indicatori individuali, metodi di analisi, consumo di farmaci, epidemiologia.