Nuove tendenze, vecchi dilemmi?
L’opera, esito del convegno internazionale “Scienze sociali e salute nel XXI secolo: nuove tendenze, vecchi dilemmi?” dedicato ai primi cinque anni di vita della rivista Salute e Società, presenta i contributi di vari studiosi su tematiche inerenti la prevenzione, l’assistenza, l’organizzazione e la valutazione degli interventi sulla malattia.
cod. 1341.1.15
Intervento pubblico, regole formali e informali nelle vicende dei territori - The author discusses the complementary relation between normative, regulatory policy and genuinely industrial policy, both policies being viewed at decentralized level. In this way, objectives and devices of industrial character are integrated with three policy orientations of more general nature: the coordination among various institutional levels and among the rules stemming from these; the concerted activity between public and private sectors, with the aim of reducing pockets of deresponsabilization and developing the principle of horizontal support; and the concentration of resources and initiatives aimed at avoiding adverse selection among those to whom it is addressed and waste of public resources. Policy makers thus face large-scale commitment, as they are now summoned to broaden their sectorial and temporal perspective, towards greater interdisciplinary engagement and far-sightedness.
Una ricerca nella provincia di Forlì-Cesena
cod. 1341.2.20
The role of the regional Councils is currently being redefined: this will take shape and substance in the new statutes, since the direct election of the regional Presidents and the duties now assigned to the managers have effectively shifted authority back within the institution of the Region. In the framework of this repositioning of the Council, together with the relevant commissions, the functions of orientation and control could be decisive, especially when reviewed with respect to the present situation. In the current state of considerable ferment, this paper seeks to pinpoint certain functions of the Council relative to the checks on the efficiency, effectiveness and economic viability of the operative structure. Also noted are the features peculiar to public organizations precisely as regards the modalities of control over the management and strategies of the body. Particular analysis is made of the traditional typologies of control and those typical of a regional authority, the possible qualitative and quantitative developments, and the possible tools, in view inter alia of the ever-growing need to investigate and assess the effects, as these make themselves felt, of the provisions of the regions as bodies exacting financial resources and regulations, rather than services.
Come fare informazione su tossicodipendenze, alcolismo e disagio giovanile
cod. 1130.102
cod. 1043.18