La costruzione dell'identità in un distretto industriale: il biomedicale di Mirandola

Autori/Curatori Assunta Viteritti
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 27 P. Dimensione file 114 KB
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This article narrates the story of Biomedical District of Mirandola located in the Province of Modena. The story started during the sixties, when in the District have been occupied three thousand employee in one hundred firms. This study analyze specifically the changes into the process in which are involved the firms. On one hand we try to understand the modality of cooperation between concerns and the form of circulation of knowledge; on the other hand we studied the diversification and the specialization of products and the importance of the rule of other concerns at different levels connected with the firms inside and outside of the District. At least we pay attention to the relationship between the firms, national and international, of the District and the institutional local level. Haw to construct, to transform and to keep alive the territorial identity was the aim of this article.;

Assunta Viteritti, La costruzione dell'identità in un distretto industriale: il biomedicale di Mirandola in "STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI " 3/2000, pp , DOI: