Religione, società e diritto in Europa occidentale

Autori/Curatori Silvio Ferrari
Anno di pubblicazione 2004 Fascicolo 2004/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 12 P. Dimensione file 113 KB
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This article considers the apparent contradiction between the secularisation of private life and the way in which the public life in a certain number of European countries currently seems to feature a return to religious confession. A brief description is given of the theses propounded by the theorists of religious economy, who maintain that the near future will witness the prevalence of religious groups with a strong, rigorous identity, which puts them in opposition to those who identify the future of Christianity with its transformation into a sort of civil religion of the Europeans. The concluding part of the essay looks at the various different scenarios of ecclesiastic policy that may derive from the two different perspectives.;

Silvio Ferrari, Religione, società e diritto in Europa occidentale in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2/2004, pp , DOI: