Approccio integrato per la gestione di pazienti con disturbi psichiatrici-tabagisti tra U.O. CSM Catanzaro e Centro Antifumo - S.S. Ser.D. Soverato

Titolo Rivista MISSION
Autori/Curatori Giulia Audino, Felice Genco, Attilio Insardà, Egidio Battaglia, Vincenzo Mellace, Franco Montesano, Rosa Macrina, Mariarita Notaro, Lia Codispoti, Anna Maria Macrina, Antonella Pascolo, M. Caterina Squillace
Anno di pubblicazione 2020 Fascicolo 2020/54
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 0 P. Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/mis54-2020oa10864
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The use of tobacco is one of the major social and health problems of our times, the leading cause of preventable death.The steady reduction in the prevalence of smoking in the general population in recent decades has not been observed in populations with psychiatric disorders.Hence a pilot project that aims to promote a territorial network between the Mental Health Services and the Anti-Smoking Centers for a global intervention strategy to combat smoking in patients with psychiatric disorders trying to create conditions of “Tobacco Services-Free”, including employees, at any point inside and outside the structure.The experience made with a Protocol is particularly significant in the first place to dispel the clichés on the problem of smoking and mental illness in accordance with the scientific data present in the literature.The treatment of these patients can be successful if psychiatric services in addressing the problem offer behavioral motivational support to their patients.Collaboration with specialist Centers is essential for the treatment of addiction.Varenicline was effective in helping patients achieve abstinence or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, and did not show a significant increase in neuropsychiatric adverse events.It is desirable that all Mental Health Services be able to carry out informational-motivational counseling onsmoking-related risks, favoring access for motivated patients to specific cessation programs in collaboration with specialized services (Anti-Smoking Centers).;

Keywords:Servizi di Salute Mentale, Centri Antifumo, Protocollo operativo, Servizi liberi dal Tabacco

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Giulia Audino, Felice Genco, Attilio Insardà, Egidio Battaglia, Vincenzo Mellace, Franco Montesano, Rosa Macrina, Mariarita Notaro, Lia Codispoti, Anna Maria Macrina, Antonella Pascolo, M. Caterina Squillace, Approccio integrato per la gestione di pazienti con disturbi psichiatrici-tabagisti tra U.O. CSM Catanzaro e Centro Antifumo - S.S. Ser.D. Soverato in "MISSION" 54/2020, pp , DOI: 10.3280/mis54-2020oa10864