Mondo Arabo e processi di democratizzazione: prospettive di analisi

Autori/Curatori Rosita Di Peri
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 29 P. 99-127 Dimensione file 262 KB
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Arab world and democratization process: perspectives of analysis - Many experiences of « liberalization » in the Arab world during the 1990s involved de-liberalisation or new forms of authoritarianism. The main approaches utilized to explain these phenomena mostly use the paradigm of transition to democracy, but the absence of linearity of the democratization processes put in discussion this theory and its application in that part of the world. Thus, to study the Arab world, it is necessary re-thinking the approaches, especially the politological ones, starting from the structural characteristics of the Arab societies, instead that from western paradigms. Starting from the above-mentioned theoretical aspect, the article analyses the political and academic debate on the democratization process in the Arab world, especially focusing on the features of the « area exceptionalism ».;

Rosita Di Peri, Mondo Arabo e processi di democratizzazione: prospettive di analisi in "TEORIA POLITICA" 2/2008, pp 99-127, DOI: