Metacognitive beliefs and alcohol involvement among adolescents

Author/s Loredana Benedetto, Daniela Di Blasi, Lucia Donsì, Anna Parola, Massimo Ingrassia
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/1
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 38-62 File size 318 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2018-001003
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According to Self-Regulatory Model of problematic drinking behaviour (Spada and Wells, 2009), meta-cognitive beliefs are a specific form of expectancies about the advantages of alco-hol to regulate cognitive and emotional functioning (positive meta-cognitions) or alcohol nega-tive impact on cognitive functioning (negative meta-cognitions). These meta-cognitive beliefs predict alcohol abuse in dependent adults and university-student binge drinkers (Clark et al., 2012). Aim of this research is a) to test hypothesis that at risk adolescents show highest levels of positive and negative metacognitions about alcohol as adults, and b) to estimate what factors are predicting its consumption. 347 high-school students (mean age 16.5 years, DS = 1.5; male 49.9%) were administered the Positive Alcohol Metacognitions Scale and the Negative Alcohol Metacognitions Scale (Spada and Wells, 2008), the AUDIT-C for measuring the alcohol risk, items relating some individual, familial and peer risk/protection factors (Bonino et al., 2007). Risk adolescents (25.4%) have higher positive metacognitions, they associate with more friends inclined to alcohol consumption, and they live with parents approving drinking. However, only not-at-risk girls have higher negative metacognitions and more individual protection factors. The positive metacognitions are the strongest predictor of alcohol consumption for both genders. Only for girls negative metacognitions emerge as a negative predictor. Therefore, in adolescence also the positive metacognitions are confirmed a risk factor for problematic drinking. The negative metacognitions seem a protective factor for girls in this developmental phase, unlike what was observed in older individuals.

Keywords: Adolescence, metacognitive beliefs, alcohol consumption, at-risk adolescents.

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Loredana Benedetto, Daniela Di Blasi, Lucia Donsì, Anna Parola, Massimo Ingrassia, Credenze metacognitive e propensione al bere negli adolescenti in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 1/2018, pp 38-62, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2018-001003