Traces. Training analysis and power: The transformation of a method of training and learning into an instrument of power in institutionalized psychoanalysis

Author/s Pier Francesco Galli, Alberto Merini, Johannes Cremerius
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/3
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 487-508 File size 397 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2021-003005
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Psychoanalytic training with its principal aspect, training analysis, has become an instrument of power politics within the psychoanalytic movement. The purpose of power politics justifies the means: training analysis is turned into a ritual of subjugation and used as a means of indoctrina-tion. This thesis is backed up with material coming from sources which are hard to find or hidden in different contexts. The historical process of transforming training analysis into an instrument of power for organized psychoanalysis is described. Freud, who first was involved in this develop-ment, later shared his criticism of training analysis with his daughter Anna, who wrote about this problem in 1938. Too late, however, to be able to influence the anti-psychoanalytic aspects of training analysis. After the description of the present situation, criticisms of training analysis based on many years of experience as a training analyst within the psychoanalytic institution are suggested. The task of promoting independent candidates which is assigned to training analysis is not performed; on the contrary, it brings forth proselytes, devoted analysts and members who are uncritical of the institution. Finally, some suggestions on how we can solve this problem are pre-sented.

Keywords: Training analysis; Psychoanalytic institution; Psychoanalytic training; "Closed" training system; Indoctrination

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  • Tracce. Analisi didattica e potere. La trasformazione di un metodo di insegnamento-apprendimento in strumento di potere della psicoanalisi istituzionalizzata Pier Francesco Galli, Alberto Merini, Johannes Cremerius, in PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE 3/2021 pp.487
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  • Cronache psicoanalitiche: il dibattito critico sull'analisi didattica all'interno dell'American Psychoanalytic Association Fredric T. Perlman, in PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE 3/2021 pp.363
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Pier Francesco Galli, Alberto Merini, Johannes Cremerius, Tracce. Analisi didattica e potere. La trasformazione di un metodo di insegnamento-apprendimento in strumento di potere della psicoanalisi istituzionalizzata in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 3/2021, pp 487-508, DOI: 10.3280/PU2021-003005