The evaluation of "well-being" performance: On what to base decisions in the public context?

Author/s Paolo Ricci, Renato Civitillo
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/2
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 31-46 File size 241 KB
DOI 10.3280/WE2019-002003
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The multifaceted nature of the concept of "well-being" entails inevitable consequences starting from its definition, to the point of inducing potential interpretative ambiguities: on the one hand, it can be considered a function of people’s prosperity conditions; on the other hand, however, it can be framed according to the economic context. Despite the coexistence of both the aspects just mentioned, the economic dimension has always substantially prevailed over the psycho-physical one, determining evaluation processes of the "hierarchical" performances according to merely quantitative variables (money, profit, GDP, etc.). In this perspective, this work attempts to contextualise the "well-being performanc" in the public context, illustrating the critical issues related to its measurement and evaluation as well as the potential attempts to overcome it: the indicators of Fair and Sustainable Wellness (BES, in Italian), at a macro-economic level and conceptualization of "Balance in Value" ("Bilancio in Valore", in Italian), at a micro-economic level.

Keywords: Well-being; BES; performance; financialization; accountability.

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Paolo Ricci, Renato Civitillo, La valutazione della performance "Benessere": su cosa fondare le decisioni in ambito pubblico? in "WELFARE E ERGONOMIA" 2/2019, pp 31-46, DOI: 10.3280/WE2019-002003