Progettolento (slowdesign): mobility for landscape design

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Edoardo Varon
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2010/55
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 127-132 File size 958 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2010-055018
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Even if late in coming, the added value of collective assets, in the sense not just of an architectural construction but also of a landscape-environmental situation, which is becoming an attractor of mass users and an economic generator, is beginning to be understood. This is demonstrated by the Council of Europe initiative for a European convention on landscape or by the growth of study courses like that on environmental architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan. Environment and landscape are two different points of view (the environment is the landscape seen from inside it, while the landscape is the environment seen from outside it), but they do not require opposing orientations. Landscape design and architectural design are complementary to each other with the same intents, common working tools and with linkages to structural factors such as time and mobility.

Keywords: Landscape; environment; European convention on landscape

Edoardo Varon, Progettolento: la mobilità per il progetto del paesaggio in "TERRITORIO" 55/2010, pp 127-132, DOI: 10.3280/TR2010-055018