Narrative and transformative evaluation: Co-construction of learning communities. An exploratory case study

Author/s Piergiuseppe Ellerani, Daniele Barca
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/2 Language Italian
Pages 16 P. 17-32 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/ess2-2021oa12395
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In recent years, research on assessment outcomes has shown evidences that would demonstrate some relationship between student learning outcomes and the assessment tools used by schools. The paper presents a set of research on formative assessment, focusing on the feedback perspective. Starting from this first analysis, further developmental aspects are explained leading to consider the meanings of narrative and transformative evaluation. This particular evaluation process shows more significant equity in learning outcomes and a more clear perspective on democratic praxis in schools. The exploratory case study presented, used the initial theoretical construct of this paper. The case study shows possible and interesting developments in collegiality through a research training-intervention model. The path, which started in 2018 is still ongoing, has crossed the pandemic, allowing us to face the educational emergency starting from the evaluation. The focus is on academic supervision as a way to support innovation and organizational change.

Keywords: ; Transformative evaluation;; Feedback;; Supervision;; Teacher training;; Narrative evaluation;; Professional community.

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Piergiuseppe Ellerani, Daniele Barca, Valutazione narrativa e trasformativa: co-costruzione di comunità di apprendimento. Un caso di studio espl in "EDUCATION SCIENCES AND SOCIETY" 2/2021, pp 17-32, DOI: 10.3280/ess2-2021oa12395