I want to be alone but connected. Hikikomori, families and relational dynamics

Author/s Daniela Tortorelli
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/2
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 48-67 File size 678 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2022-002005
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Hikikomori is an acute social withdrawal disorder born in Japan, which is quickly spreading also in our society. Although it has not yet been framed in a defined syndrome by the WHO, hikikomori presents peculiar individual, family and social characteristics, as well as being considered a new form of psychological and social distress, that is quickly affecting a larger number of people. It is also connected with the spread of the use of internet and video games. Although the person pursues the isolation, hikikomori carries specific and peculiar relationship dynamics. This article provides an overview of the specific features and highlights both family and social relationship dynamics. It also provides a comparison with the Japanese society, and it describes a clinical case treated with the systemic relational approach.

Keywords: hikikomori, social withdrawal, systemic relational psychotherapy, addiction, family dynamics, relationship

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Daniela Tortorelli, Voglio stare solo, ma connesso Hikikomori, famiglie e dinamiche relazionali in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 2/2022, pp 48-67, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2022-002005