City, structure, organism

Journal title CRIOS
Author/s Gerardo Doti, Attilio Belli, Gemma Belli, Luigi Piccinato
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2022/24
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 90-105 File size 874 KB
DOI 10.3280/CRIOS2022-024011
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Luigi Piccinato, by Attilio and Gemma Belli, breaks away from traditional paperbacks to be a quality paperback, intended for academia, the professions and a public interested in the governance and history of cities. It is a valuable historical-architectural and urban planning synthesis rigorously grounded in laborious documentary and philological-critical excavation. To speak of Luigi Piccinato is to deal with a complex professional and cultural biography, which unfolds through a long and incessant professional practice, conducted from the 1920s to the very early 1980s. From the design for a church interior in 1928, presented at the First Exhibition of Rational Architecture in Rome, to the various drafts of the Plan d'urbanisme directeur in Algeria (1978-81), preceded by the Pescara stadium expansion project (1977), this was a craft exercised over more than fifty years.

Keywords: Piccinato, urbanism, planning

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Gerardo Doti, Attilio Belli, Gemma Belli, Luigi Piccinato, Città, struttura, organismo in "CRIOS" 24/2022, pp 90-105, DOI: 10.3280/CRIOS2022-024011