The value of intertextuality for the progress of psychoanalysis. Reply to comments by F.M. Ferro & G. Riefolo and by M. Fornaro to the paper "On the concept of intersubjectivity in psychoanalysis"

Author/s Giuseppe Civitarese
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/3
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 423-442 File size 124 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2023-003005
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The author responds to the critical remarks in the comments by Ferro & Riefolo (2023) and by Fornaro (2023). The main points are, in the first comment, the status of reality in psycho- analysis, enactment, the various conceptions of the unconscious, self-disclosure, and the dialogue between philosophy and psychoanalysis. As for the second comment, on the other hand, the is- sues addressed concern the interpretation of Husserl’s contribution to a better definition of the concept of intersubjectivity in psychoanalysis and methodological aspects related to the use of notions derived from speculative thought.

Keywords: Reality; Unconscious; Husserl; Intertex- tuality; Analytic field

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  • Intersoggettività: questa sconosciuta. Controreplica a Civitarese Mauro Fornaro, in PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE 3/2023 pp.443
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Giuseppe Civitarese, Il valore dell’intertestualità per il progresso della psicoanalisi. Replica ai commenti di F.M. Ferro & G. Riefolo e di M. Fornaro al saggio "Sul concetto di intersoggettività in psicoanalisi" in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 3/2023, pp 423-442, DOI: 10.3280/PU2023-003005