Scenari in penombra. La Germania E LA RIUNIFICAZIONE

Autori/Curatori Emiliano Alessandroni
Anno di pubblicazione 2013 Fascicolo 2012/10
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 22 P. 29-50 Dimensione file 137 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2012-010004
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The following study retraces moments of German history in the context of the Cold War, from the post-Second World War division and construction of two States, to the collapse of the Berlin Wall, reunification and finally the present day. The attention is focused on backgrounds which have remained in the shadows, or been deliberately avoided, perhaps, by a historiography too accommodating of the image that the political formation, which exited victorious, wished to create of itself. Backgrounds, therefore, which have still not been investigated enough, but not due to their lack of importance in understanding the historical period. It reconstructs the conflict between the usa and the urss, which concluded in Germany with moment of particularly high tension, the social and political organization of the two States, the political and social costs of the reunification and, to conclude, reflections of intellectuals on the "victory" of democracy and a problematization of the concept in itself.;

Keywords:DDR, Repubblica Federale Tedesca, Muro di Berlino, Guerra Fredda, cia,stasi.

Emiliano Alessandroni, Scenari in penombra. La Germania E LA RIUNIFICAZIONE in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 10/2012, pp 29-50, DOI: 10.3280/HM2012-010004