Il carattere monetario dell'economia capitalistica alla luce di un recente dibattito

Autori/Curatori Stefano Figuera
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/70
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 26 P. Dimensione file 123 KB
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The analysis of the monetary aspect of capitalist system has been treated by Augusto Graziani in Italy and by the theorists of the monetary circuit abroad, particularly in France. Duccio Cavalieri, starting from Graziani’s analysis, reaches a reductive evaluation of the interpretation of this theoretical formulation, expressing some doubts on the realism of this model. The confrontation between these two economists provides us with an occasion to analyse the profiles of monetary theory and their interesting implications. This article argues that the studying of money and banking in the capitalist system is crucial for a better understanding of the relationship between the corporate and the banking sector as well as of the rules governing the monetary financing of production. JEL Classification code: E510, E120;

Stefano Figuera, Il carattere monetario dell'economia capitalistica alla luce di un recente dibattito in "STUDI ECONOMICI " 70/2000, pp , DOI: