Siamo pronti per una costituzione europea?

Autori/Curatori Ermanno Vitale
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2001/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 11 P. Dimensione file 37 KB
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The essay follows a symposium organized by the Basso Foundation to discuss, in the light of the Charter of fundamental rights proclaimed in Nice, the route philosophers, lawyers and political scientists believe integration should take in its evolution. The issue to be addressed, which is taken up by this essay too, is the following: is it plausible, besides being useful and desirable, that the promulgation of a European Constitution would facilitate the formation - or the strengthening or a better awareness - of a «public sphere» which would give new momentum and vitality to the original project of a federal Europe? Or would it rather be the opposite, i.e. that a European Constitution would be a leap forward and consequently a dangerous step which could bring about more fragmentation than integration since at the moment do not exist the communication conditions necessary for a European Constitution?;

Ermanno Vitale, Siamo pronti per una costituzione europea? in "TEORIA POLITICA" 1/2001, pp , DOI: