Oltre lo specchio: dall'accettazione del dolore alla relazione

Autori/Curatori Antonella Marianecci
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 5 P. 121-125 Dimensione file 54 KB
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Starting from the attachment theoretical frame, the author comments on an adoption clinical case considering the difficulty of the adoptive parents, and of the different institutional figures, in being in touch, offering support and comfort, with a child who has experimented the separation from the caregiver and who probably has had confused and frightening relationships. A child who, joining another family, still shows all his trouble and his anger for the loss. She also broaches the need of helping the parents to elaborate personal motivations, expectations, wishes and fears connected to such an important choice. She also tries to help and support them during the whole adoptive procedure, to find the best way of understanding and withstanding problematic situations and probable difficulties that they could find as time goes by.;

Antonella Marianecci, Oltre lo specchio: dall'accettazione del dolore alla relazione in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 1/2007, pp 121-125, DOI: