Sociometry, Peace Research and Creative Conflict Transformation: An invitation to an encounter between J. L. Moreno and Johan Galtung

Titolo Rivista FORUM
Autori/Curatori Wilfried Graf. Tradotto da Augustin Nicolescou
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 45-60 Dimensione file 109 KB
DOI 10.3280/FORU2009-002006
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Sociometry, Peace Research and Creative Conflict Transformation: An invitation to an encounter between J. L. Moreno and Johan Galtung - In his seminal work ‘Who Shall Survive’ (1934), Moreno expresses his hope that sociometry will ultimately prepare the ground for a ‘Science of Peace’. On this basis, the author invites the reader to a meeting between sociometry, sociatry, and sociodrama, (especially the contributions of J. L. Moreno) on the one hand, and peace research and conflict transformation (especially the contributions of Johan Galtung) on the other. In the first part of this article, J. L. Moreno is re-examined as an early pioneer of peace research. The second part is a discussion of the similarities and differences between J. L. Moreno, as the founder of sociometry and psychodrama, and Johan Galtung, as the founder of peace research. The third part outlines the possibility of bringing together both approaches for a method of creative conflict transformation, conflict counseling, and mediation.;

Wilfried Graf. Tradotto da Augustin Nicolescou, Sociometry, Peace Research and Creative Conflict Transformation: An invitation to an encounter between J. L. Moreno and Johan Galtung in "FORUM" 3/2009, pp 45-60, DOI: 10.3280/FORU2009-002006