Inconsciente Y Política: Cómo Explorar Negro Y Blanco En Colores?

Titolo Rivista FORUM
Autori/Curatori Amy Gutmann, Christophe Verrier
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 89-106 Dimensione file 106 KB
DOI 10.3280/FORU2009-002009
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Inconsciente Y Política: Cómo Explorar Negro Y Blanco En Colores? - This paper is based on the workshop Diversidad, Relaciones Raciales y Transformación organized by Color Cubano (La Havana, Cuba) and The International Forum for Social Innovation (IFSI), based in Paris, France, which took place over four days in November 2006 in The National Council of the Houses of Culture in Havana, Cuba. It was organised to provide an opportunity to begin to understand the difficulty of recognizing, touching and interpreting racially discriminatory processes within an institutional setting, in a political system that promotes voluntary equality. As with everywhere else in the world, the act of uncovering hidden dynamics based on unconscious processes triggers strong resistances.;

Amy Gutmann, Christophe Verrier, Inconsciente Y Política: Cómo Explorar Negro Y Blanco En Colores? in "FORUM" 3/2009, pp 89-106, DOI: 10.3280/FORU2009-002009