Limonov: vita e avventure di un teppista lirico

Autori/Curatori Roberto Valle
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/9
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 4 P. 127-130 Dimensione file 98 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2012-009012
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Eduard Limonov, a maudit writer, idol of the Soviet and post-Soviet underground, is the Limonov’s eponymous hero of Emmanuel Carrère, a book that in France has been a literary and political event; a kind of anatomy of the innards of the thug that narrates the novelistic and dangerous life of a voyou, a rogue. From the adventurous life of Limonov you can take the narration of the not official but eccentric and infamous history of the Russia and the West by the Cold War to the rise of Putin. Limonov, National-Bolshevik thug, has joined the Other Russia, an heteroclite coalition, and considers Putin his sworn enemy to be destroyed by a revolution. But Limonov will forfeit the seizure of power and retire to Samarkand or like Rudin, superfluous man of Turgenev’s novel, will be forced to die for a cause not his, for the hated democracy.;

Keywords:Limonov, Carrère, teppista lirico, nazional-bolscevismo, Putin, Altra Russia.

Roberto Valle, Limonov: vita e avventure di un teppista lirico in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 9/2012, pp 127-130, DOI: 10.3280/HM2012-009012