È usata bene la psicologia nei contesti organizzativi? Tipi di percorsi nella "mappa dell’applicare"

Titolo Rivista RISORSA UOMO
Autori/Curatori Guido Sarchielli
Anno di pubblicazione 2014 Fascicolo 2012/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 7 P. 11-17 Dimensione file 612 KB
DOI 10.3280/RU2012-001003
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The whole spectrum of applied psychology research forms are considered and the specific goals, characteristics and added value are summarized. There is nothing inferior about applied psychology, neither in terms of quality, nor in terms of its contribution to the psychological knowledge and the societal problems solution. Nevertheless the importance of both scientific validation of theories and methods and development of effective professional practices is not always well recognized. Then the Scientist-Practitioner model could be a useful mindset for doing good applied research and considering Evidence-Based practice. Suggestion for promoting a critical use of evidence in I/O psychology are considered starting from the main limitations of applied research and using all the information sources available.;

Keywords:Prospettiva basata sulle evidenze, modello ricercatore-professionista, sottoutilizzo della psicologia, limiti della ricerca.

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Guido Sarchielli, È usata bene la psicologia nei contesti organizzativi? Tipi di percorsi nella "mappa dell’applicare" in "RISORSA UOMO " 1/2012, pp 11-17, DOI: 10.3280/RU2012-001003