La dipendenza intergenerazionale in Italia

Autori/Curatori Thomas Feliciani, Patrizio Lodetti
Anno di pubblicazione 2014 Fascicolo 2014/103
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 25 P. 88-112 Dimensione file 249 KB
DOI 10.3280/SR2014-103005
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This study is developed within Vern L. Bengtson’s theoretical framework: the western modernization process causes changes to the family’s nuclear structure. One of these changes is the rise of vulnerability concerning two generations, the oldest and the youngest ones, which results in increased intergenerational dependency. This paper aims to determine whether this theoretical approach applies to Italy’s current scenarios. A secondary analysis was carried out on several indicators, including measures of vulnerability and intergenerational dependency. Effects of growing interdependence on the distribution of workload in families will be discussed. The data considered supports the validity of Bengtson’s theory.;

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  30. J.J. Suitor, K. Pillemer (1988), «Explaining Intergenerational Conflict when Adult Children and Elderly Parents live together», Journal of Marriage and Family, L, 4, pp, 1037-47.
  31. S.S. Acquaviva, M. Santuccio M. (1976), Social Structure in Italy: Crisis of a System, Boulder, Westview Press.
  32. M.S. Agnoli (1994), Concetti e pratica nella ricerca sociale, Milano, FrancoAngeli.
  33. M. Albertini, M. Kohli, C. Vogel (2007), «Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Money in European Families: Common Patterns – Different Regimes?», Journal of European Social Policy, 17, 4, pp. 319-334, DOI: 10.1177/0958928707081068
  34. M. Barbagli (1987), «Sistemi di formazione della famiglia in Italia», Bollettino di demografia storica, 2, pp. 80-127.
  35. M. Barbagli (1990), Provando e riprovando. Matrimonio, famiglia e divorzio in Italia e in altri Paesi occidentali, Bologna, il Mulino.
  36. G. Barile, L. Zanuso, D. Gregorio (1980), Lavoro femminile e condizione familiare, Milano, FrancoAngeli.
  37. V.L. Bengtson (2001), «The Burgess Award Lecture: Beyond the Nuclear Family: The Increasing Importance of Multigenerational Bonds», Journal of Marriage and Family, LXIII, 1, pp 1-16, DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2001.00001.x
  38. V.L. Bengtson, R.E.L. Roberts (1991), «Intergenerational Solidarity in Aging Families: An Example of Formal Theory Construction», Journal of Marriage and Family, LIII, 4, pp. 856-70.
  39. M. Bonolis (1999), Struttura e mutamento della famiglia, Roma, Meltemi.
  40. E.W. Burgess (1916), The Function of Socialization in Social Evolution, Chicago, University of Chicago Press,
  41. E.W. Burgess (1926), «The Family as a Unity of Interacting Personalities», The Family, 7, pp. 3-9.
  42. C. Buzzi, A. Cavalli, A. de Lillo (2007), Rapporto giovani: Sesta indagine dell’Istituto Iard sulla condizione giovanile in Italia, Bologna, il Mulino.
  43. A. Cavalli (1980), «La gioventù: condizione o processo?», Rassegna italiana di sociologia, MCMLXXX, 4, pp. 519-542.
  44. J.S. Coleman (1990), Foundations of Social Theory, Cambridge, MA, Belknap.
  45. C. Emslie, K. Hunt (2009), «“Live to work” or “work to live”? A Qualitative Study of Gender and Work-life balance among Men and Women in Mid-life», Gender, Work and Organization, XVI, 1, pp. 151-72, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0432.2008.00434.x
  46. G. Esping-Andersen (1990), The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  47. E. Grundy, J.C. Henretta (2006), «Between Elderly Parents and Adult Children: A New Look at the Intergenerational Care provided by the “Sandwich Generation”», Ageing & Society, 26, pp. 707-22, DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X06004934
  48. B. Hobson, S. Fahlén (2009), «Competing Scenarios for European Fathers: Applying Sen’s Capabilities and Agency Framework to Work-Family Balance», The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, DCXXIV, 1, pp. 214-33, DOI: 10.1177/0002716209334435
  49. E. Huber (2010), «Work-life-balance: Individualization and Reproduction of Gender Inequalities », Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Soziologie/Revue Suisse De sociologie/Swiss Journal of Sociology, XXXVI, 3, pp. 489-510.
  50. Istat (2006), La vita di coppia – Indagine multiscopo sulle famiglie.
  51. Istat (2008), Conciliare lavoro e famiglia – Una sfida quotidiana.
  52. Istat (2010), La divisione dei ruoli nelle coppie (2008-2009).
  53. Istat (2012), Uso del tempo e ruoli di genere – Tra lavoro e famiglia nel ciclo di vita.
  54. H. Jeřábek (2008), Familiäre Altenpflege als Beispiel des sozialen Zusammenhalts, in A. Amann, F. Kolland, Das erzwungene Paradies des Alters?, München, Springer Fachmedien, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-531-90786-4_6
  55. A. Righi (2003), Le tendenze di fecondità e di partecipazione femminile al mercato del lavoro, Seminario Cnel-Istat, , Roma,
  56. _path=/shadow_documento_attachment/file_allegatos/000/008/871/Maternit_C3_A0_20 e_20partecipazione_20delle_20donne_20al_20mercato_20del_20lavoro.pdf.
  57. M. Santoro (2006), Living with Parents: A Research Study on Italian Young People and Their Mothers, in C. Leccardi, E. Ruspini (eds.), A New Youth? Young People, Generations and Family Life, Ashgate, Aldershot-Burlington.
  58. T. Schmid, M. Brandt, K. Haberkern (2012), «Gendered Support to Older Parents: Do Welfare States matter?», European Journal of Ageing, IX, 1, pp. 39-50, DOI: 10.1007/s10433-011-0197-1.M.Silverstein,X.Chen,K.Heller(1996),«TooMuchofaGoodThing?IntergenerationalSocialSupportandthePsychologicalWell-BeingofOlderParents»,JournalofMarriageandFamily,LVIII,4,pp.970-82
  59. R.R. Seward (1976), The Family Versus Industrialization and Urbanization: Occupational Roles as a Potential Link, S.l., Distributed by Eric Clearinghouse,
  60. J.J. Suitor, K. Pillemer (1988), «Explaining Intergenerational Conflict when Adult Children and Elderly Parents live together», Journal of Marriage and Family, L, 4, pp, 1037-47.

Thomas Feliciani, Patrizio Lodetti, La dipendenza intergenerazionale in Italia in "SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE " 103/2014, pp 88-112, DOI: 10.3280/SR2014-103005