Integration of green roofs&walls in urban areas

Autori/Curatori Noemi Caltabellotta, Felicia Cavaleri, Carlo Greco, Kestutis Navickas, Carlo Scibetta, Laura Giammanco
Anno di pubblicazione 2020 Fascicolo 2019/2 Suppl.
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 18 P. 61-78 Dimensione file 138 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2019-002-S1005
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Growing urbanization is associated with the emergence of environmental problems, such as the reduction of natural resources, the atmosphere pollution and the increase of the heat islands phenomenon in cities. The integration of vegetation in the urban areas, through the creation of green hanging systems, represents a possible solution to improve the energy sustainability of buildings, to combat meteoric excesses, to improve stormwater management and to reduce pollutant levels. These energy and environmental benefits are related to the properties of evapotranspiration, shading and thermal insulation of the vegetation. The work reports the results of the main studies concerning the use of hanging systems to counter environmental impacts and improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

Keywords:Green systems, green roofs, vertical greenery, energy saving, energy efficiency, environmental sustainability

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Noemi Caltabellotta, Felicia Cavaleri, Carlo Greco, Kestutis Navickas, Carlo Scibetta, Laura Giammanco, Integration of green roofs&walls in urban areas in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2 Suppl./2019, pp 61-78, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2019-002-S1005