Unarmed landscapes. Giampilieri: the totem of reconstruction

Author/s Marina A. Arena
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/3
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 77-92 File size 518 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2020-003006
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There is a new interest in smallness that is not just the result of reading small towns from large-scale binoculars. Today these places generate multiple visions, even opposing ones: there is great attention to the theme of fragility and abandonment as for the returning to places. The village of Giampilieri Superiore represents a particular situation, being not close enough to the sea to be part of the coastal tourist settlements and not far enough from the sea to be included in the projects for inland areas (Snai); and if the landslide of 2009 had not brought it back into national spotlight for its 37 victims, it would have remained in its marginal anonym-ity. Instead, paradoxically, the disaster brought it back to the center. But the totem of recon-struction through imposing works of engineering has prevailed over an idea of economic and social development of the community.

Keywords: Smallness, Flood of Giampilieri, Reconstruction of Giampilieri

Jel codes: D81, O21, O35

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Marina A. Arena, Territori disarmati. Giampilieri: il totem della ricostruzione in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 3/2020, pp 77-92, DOI: 10.3280/ES2020-003006