Development of a sustainable mechanism for the economic security of the region

Autori/Curatori Marina N. Rudenko
Anno di pubblicazione 2021 Fascicolo 2020/2 suppl.
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 15 P. 33-47 Dimensione file 202 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2020-002-S1004
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The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations to improve the level of economic security of the Perm Krai. Leading approach to researching the problem. The leading methods of researching the problems of the article include the analysis of theoretical sources, analysis of statistical indicators, and comparison. Analysis of statistical indicators plays a crucial role in the study, since data on the level of economic security in the Perm Krai can be directly obtained from statistical data-bases. The article discusses the essence of the mechanism for ensuring the eco-nomic security of the region, identifying its components, and identifying the main directions for the functioning of this mechanism, analyses the indicators of eco-nomic security of the Perm Krai, identifies problems of economic security, and de-velops solutions. Prospects for further research. It is shown how the economic se-curity of the region correlates with the economic development of the region, with the creation of a sustainable mechanism for maintaining the well-being and securi-ty of the region. An increase in the level of economic security in the Perm Krai can be achieved by providing support for the favourable functioning of the state and regional economic systems, identifying threats and taking adequate measures to prevent and neutralise them, protecting economic interests at various levels, and ensuring the social orientation of the economy.

Keywords:Industrial production, region, stability, threats, economic security, economy

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Marina N. Rudenko, Development of a sustainable mechanism for the economic security of the region in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2 suppl./2020, pp 33-47, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2020-002-S1004