Antecedenti della sindrome di burnout nella sanità pubblica: fattori interpersonali e organizzativi

Titolo Rivista RISORSA UOMO
Autori/Curatori Daniela Converso, Silvia Gattino, Barbara Loera
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 241-258 Dimensione file 114 KB
DOI 10.3280/RU2009-003003
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Determinants of the burnout syndrome in public health: interpersonal and organizational factors - The contribution illustrates the results of a research on the determinants of the burnout syndrome. This was carried out in four Piemontese hospitals in order to put into practice actions of prevention of the surveyed discomfort. The aim is to compare, besides the traditional individual factors, the determinants belonging to the interpersonal sphere and those that may be traced back to the organizational dimension. The regression analysis allow to define a sort of priority map for the following intervention, that is to locate wards and professional groups more at risk, in relation to the critical group and/or organizational state. Results also show the role that interpersonal factors play in the onset, the structuring and the evolution of the syndrome.

Keywords: burnout syndrome, public health, organizational factors.

Parole chiave: sindrome di burnout, sanità pubblica, fattori organizzativi.;

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Daniela Converso, Silvia Gattino, Barbara Loera, Antecedenti della sindrome di burnout nella sanità pubblica: fattori interpersonali e organizzativi in "RISORSA UOMO " 3/2009, pp 241-258, DOI: 10.3280/RU2009-003003