Global Ecological Footprint, Climate Change Impacts and Assessment

Author/s Hanna Safwat H. Shakir, Kendall T. Harris, Irvin W. Osborne-Lee, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso, Magdy T. Khalil
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/2
Language English Pages 30 P. 9-38 File size 1391 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2013-002002
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Ecological footprint (EF) is an important measure in calculating the human demands and impacts on our global environment. In this respect, the ecological footprint is a function of all the parameters that interact between the power of ecosystem productivity and human interactions and activities on a particular ecosystem or the demand from that ecosystem. The present paper will cover and analyses the ecosystems’ productivity and the human demand from the ecosystems. It will produce comprehensive analyses in measuring the possibility of capabilities of the ecosystems to provide goods and services to the human beings on our planet Earth. Further, the paper will discuss the models that can be used in measuring the sustainability of ecosystem, climate changes and what we should be doing to maintain the Earth healthy ecosystems. In this respect, the paper will assess and introduce a comprehensive model called Global Ecological Footprint and climate change (GEF-CH) that can describe the status of our ecosystems’ productivities and the impacts of climate change and global human population Earth boundaries. Furthermore, the paper will provide some answers to the human issues globally; Climate change impacts as the results of human activities. Further, warning to the current trend in use and abuse of our natural ecosystems and what will be expecting from these ecosystems to provide the human needs in response to the current use of global ecosystems' existence.

Keywords: Global Climate Change (GCC) - Ecological Footprint (EF) - Global Deficit Capacity (GDC) - Global Human Population

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Hanna Safwat H. Shakir, Kendall T. Harris, Irvin W. Osborne-Lee, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Rosa Misso, Magdy T. Khalil, Global Ecological Footprint, Climate Change Impacts and Assessment in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2/2013, pp 9-38, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2013-002002