Strategies to promote staff development at University. From tea¬ching evaluation to work field

Author/s Ettore Felisatti
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/1
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 5-16 File size 51 KB
DOI 10.3280/EXI2016-001001
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The Italian university doesn’t support faculty development. Teaching is not valued as much as research. In response to this concern this paper presents PRODID, a project of Padua University that outlines strategic actions for fa¬culty development.

Keywords: Higher education; faculty development; didactics; training for innovation; systemic actions; Teaching and Learning Centre

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Ettore Felisatti, Editoriale. Strategie di sistema per la promozione della professionalità docente in università. Dalla valutazione della didattica all’intervento sul campo in "EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING" 1/2016, pp 5-16, DOI: 10.3280/EXI2016-001001