Khruschev, housing policies and Communist plenty.

Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Giovanni Moretto
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/159
Language Italian Pages 30 P. 151-180 File size 107 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2018-159006
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At the beginning of the Soviet era the housing question was addressed in urban areas with a particular solution, the so-called kommunalka, the communal apartment with shared entrance, kitchen and bathroom. It was a makeshift solution, but it also embodied the collective claims of the Soviet ideology. In the early 1950s the housing situation became extremely problematic. The new Khrushchevian leadership, which gathered citizens’ expectations for more consumer goods and better living conditions, decided to intervene with the housing implementation and the promise of the single-family apartment. A new era of the Soviet architecture was inaugurated, characterized on a wide scale by standard design and prefabrication. The woman, seen as housekeeper, despite the regime’s many words on the gender equality, was at the centre of these dynamics and received the promise of an easing of domestic work thanks to the spread of household appliances which the Khrushchevian utopia of abundance and well-being guaranteed.

Keywords: Soviet Union, Khrushchev, housing, consumptions, women.

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Giovanni Moretto, Chru?s?cëv, la casa sovietica e l’abbondanza comunista� in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 159/2018, pp 151-180, DOI: 10.3280/SS2018-159006