Complex trauma and migration. Mohamed

Author/s Emanuela Pasquarelli
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/2
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 125-130 File size 98 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2018-002008
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Trauma and migration, two aspects that together convoy to extreme vulnerabi- lity. What can the analyst do? The answer is extremely complex, as it involves a series of actions that he should undertake. The starting point is to be confident, "resist" in terms of resilience, do not surrender to the human impulse that the horror of a trauma of this kind makes you feel in the body and mind, remain in intimate connection with his own emotions and the patient’s ones. This involves the need to "feel", before the patient, to function as a container and sounding board of intolerable feelings. The "historical" dimension and the "relational" dimension become in this model fundamental: their role is to restore a narration and to regive to the traumatized patient that sense of cohesion the human being needs for accepting his own psychic truth.

Keywords: Migration; Trauma; Dissociation; Resilience; Historical Dimen- sion; Relational Dimension.

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Emanuela Pasquarelli, Trauma complesso e migrazione. Mohamed in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 2/2018, pp 125-130, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2018-002008