Author/s Andrea Sangiovanni
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/305
Language Italian Pages 29 P. 85-113 File size 238 KB
DOI 10.3280/IC2024-305004
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This article examines the 1980s through the prism of the comic strip, a medium that underwent signifi cant changes during those years, it terms of production, as well as content and language. In fact, as many other contemporary Italian “cultural industries”, the comics publishing sector was part of the country’s economic transformation, experiencing a shift from large publishing centres, such as Milan, to provinces, where new publishers emerged. In the 1980s, the titles increased in numbers, and comics moved away from being considered solely as entertainment for children. In terms of content, there was a growing contamination between art and popular comics, as well as between mainstream and underground publishers. By examining these aspects, the author analyses the ability of comics to mirror the cultural changes of the 1980s, highlighting the emergence of a “demand for politics”, and thus challenging the stereotypical interpretation of the decade as a time of “retreat” (in Italian, rifl usso).
Keywords: comics, 1980s, cultural history, mass culture, mass media
Andrea Sangiovanni, “Dovrò disfarmi di questa infi nita fanciullezza”: il fumetto italiano negli anni Ottanta in "ITALIA CONTEMPORANEA" 305/2024, pp 85-113, DOI: 10.3280/IC2024-305004