Issue 3/2012
- Sergio Garribba, l’Italia hub euromediterraneo del gas naturale: politiche, infrastrutture, collaborazioni europee e internazionali (Italy as a Euromediterranean hub for natural gas: policies, infrastructures, european and international collaboration)
- Marco Frey, Francesco Rizzi, Special section: Integrated urban solid waste management. Editorial
- Charisios Achillas, Christos Vlachokostas, Avraam Karagiannidis, Eftichios Sophocles Sartzetakis, Nicolas Moussiopoulos, Willingness to pay for more sustainable e-waste management: a contingent valuation study in greece
- Francesco Di Maria, Solid state anaerobic digestion as a possible solution for managing existing mechanical biological treatment plants in a more efficient way: a real case analysis
- Vito Fragnelli, How to divide the costs of urban solid wastes collection among citizens?
- Christos Karkanias, Avraam Karagiannidis, Ioannis S. Antonopoulos, Petros Samaras, Adopting rational waste management schemes: The case of Preveza municipality
- Antonio Massarutto, The brown side of the green economy: urban garbage and the zero-waste utopia
- Bernardina Algieri, Antonio Aquino, Marianna Succurro, "Sunny" prospects: an analysis of the photovoltaic industry in Italy
- Francesco Caracciolo, Pasquale Lombardi, A new-institutional framework to explore the trade-off between agriculture, environment and landscape
- Elisabetta Linares, Issues in the calculation of antitrust damages in the energy industry
- Abstracts / Errata corrige
Issue 2/2012
- Gerardo Marletto, Transport economics and the environment: an introduction
- Italo Meloni, Erika Spissu, The design of a strategy to encourage voluntary travel behaviour change: a cap and save programme
- Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi, Gerardo Marletto, To drive or not to drive? A simple evolutionary model
- Romeo Danielis, Lucia Rotaris, Edoardo Marcucci, Jérome Massiani, A medium term evaluation of the Ecopass road pricing scheme in Milan: economic, environmental and transport impacts
- Paolo Beria, Raffaele Grimaldi, Marco Ponti, Comparison of social and perceived marginal costs of road transport in Italy
- Claudio Ferrari, Alessio Tei, Emission savings through a re-scheduling of maritime services: possible implications for the Mediterranean ports (Risparmi nelle emissioni attraverso una riprogrammazione dei servizi marittimi: possibili implicazioni per i porti mediterranei)
- Jérome Massiani, Jens Weinmann, Estimating electric car’s emissions in Germany: an analysis through a pivotal marginal method and comparison with other methods
- Eva Valeri, Amanda Stathopoulos, Edoardo Marcucci, Energy efficiency in the transport sector: policy evolution and evaluation in some european countries
- Lucie Greyl, Hali Healy, Emanuele Leonardi, Leah Temper, Stop that train! Ideological conflict and the TAV
- Federico Paolini, Transport and the environment in Italy (1950-2006)
- Summaries and abstracts
Issue 1/2012
- Luigi De Paoli, EPEE: a new name for a journal with more than 50 years of life
- Alberto Clò, Lo sterile dibattito sulla nuova strategia energetica (The sterile debate on the new energy strategy)
- Tullio Fanelli, Federico Testa, A proposito di strategia energetica nazionale (About the National Energy strategy in Italy)
- Gianni Silvestrini, 100% renewable electricity by mid century in italy?
- Giovanni Battista Zorzoli, The power sector in italy: an (almost) forced path
- Riccardo Costantini, Nuclear power generation, renewable resources and endogenous growth
- Francesco Gullì, Taxation within electricity auctions with dominant firm
- Haikel Khalfallah, Jean-Michel Glachant, An assessment of the tools of incentive regulation in electricity networks
- Davide Fiorello, Dorota Bielanska, Silvia Mafii, Angelo Martino, Investment, public resources and the transport system: some simulations with the astra-it model
- Summaries and abstracts