Aspect and Actionality in Homeric Greek.

Maria Napoli

Aspect and Actionality in Homeric Greek.

A contrastive analysis

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9788846478368

Edition: 1a edizione 2006

Publisher code: 1095.54

Availability: Discreta

Aspect is presently the focus of much research and debate in linguistics. Findings concerning tense-aspect systems show the need for an approach which is primarily specific-language-oriented, but they also suggest taking into account the role of actionality, examining the way in which it operates on, and interplays with, aspect itself.
Actional parameters have never been systematically investigated in literature dealing with aspect in Ancient Greek. This book is the first step towards filling this gap. Drawing on studies in theoretical linguistics and in typology, it represents a detailed account of both aspect and actionality in Homeric Greek. One of the major aims is to investigate the opposition between present and aorist stems, exploring how actional properties influence the distribution of aspectual markers: in particular, the book provides evidence that telicity, one of the actional parameters analysed, turns out to be relevant to the selection of present and aorist stems. An extensive survey of Homeric data is complemented by discussion of relevant theoretical issues.
The approach followed in this study also makes possible an original contrastive analysis of Homeric Greek and some modern Indo-European languages with different aspectual systems. Against this background, new light is cast on the peculiarities of Homeric aspectual oppositions.
This book will be interesting not only for Indo-Europeanists and historical linguists, but also for researchers working on the semantics of tense and aspect, and for theoretical linguists as well.

Maria Napoli is a Post-Doc research fellow at the University of Pisa. Her interests concern mainly Language Typology and Historical Linguistics. She is the author of several contributions published in national and international journals and volumes.

Preface and Acknowledgements
(Goals of the present study; Temporal and aspectual categories in Ancient Greek; Aspect and actionality in previous studies; The Homeric corpus; Actional classification: the method used in the study; On prefixed verbs; Structure on the book)
Theoretical Background
(Introduction; Defining aspect; Defining actionality; Tense, aspect and actionality from an Indo-European Perspective; The Greek present/aorist dichotomy; Applying syntactic test to Homeric Greek)
Activities and Accomplishments in Homeric Greek
(Introduction; The role of the direct object with transitive verbs; Transitive verbs of motion; Intransitive activities and accomplishments; Conclusions)
Achievements and States in Homeric Greek
(Introduction; Achievements: punctuality and semelfactivity; On achievements across languages: Botne (2003); States: between "state" and "entry into a state")
Considering Some Special Cases
(Introduction; Verbs of motion; Verbs of communication; Verbs with intransitive/transitive aorist pairs)
A Typological Overview
(Introduction; Homeric aspectual system; Tense-aspect systems across languages; The expression of telicity; To-occurrence restrictions of durative temporal adverbials; Diachronic typology and the reconstruction of aspect in Proto-Indo-European; Final remarks)
Index Locorum

Serie: Materiali linguistici

Subjects: Linguistics

Level: Scholarly Research

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