Designing Immersion in Art and Culture

A cura di: Davide Spallazzo, Mauro Ceconello

Designing Immersion in Art and Culture

Insights from Artcast4D Project

Designing Immersive Technologies in Art and Culture explores how immersive technologies are transforming artistic and cultural experiences, blending the physical and artificial worlds to create engaging environments. The book comprehensively reviews the current literature on immersion. It moves beyond theory to explore public installations, demonstrating how technology is transforming everyday spaces into immersive experiences.

Pages: 194

ISBN: 9788835168799

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Publisher code: 10319.31

Info about Open Access books

Designing Immersive Technologies in Art and Culture explores how immersive technologies are transforming artistic and cultural experiences, blending the physical and artificial worlds to create engaging environments. The book comprehensively reviews the current literature on immersion, unpacking key theoretical concepts and ideas. It moves beyond theory to explore public installations, demonstrating how technology is transforming everyday spaces into immersive experiences. A historical perspective follows, tracing the journey of immersive technologies from their early pioneers to contemporary applications. Throughout, diverse case studies illustrate the global impact of these technologies in art and culture, while interviews with experts provide a behind-the-scenes look at the creative processes that drive these innovations. The book also dives into the evolving relationship between users and immersive technologies, offering a deeper understanding of their interaction. In its final section, the book envisions future scenarios where technology becomes seamlessly embedded in both daily life and artistic expression, while reflecting on the roles and expertise needed to achieve these exciting advancements. This book may appeal to anyone interested in the intersection of technology, art, and culture, offering a glimpse into how immersive experiences could be designed and could shape the future of creative expression.

Davide Spallazzo, Mauro Ceconello, Introduction
Davide Spallazzo, Mauro Ceconello, Defining immersion and immersive technologies
Tim Schneider, Michele Gouiffes, Emmanuelle Frenoux, Celine Clavel, Gerard Kubryk, Xavier Maitre, Opening up immersion: creating alternative realities in public spaces
Alfredo M. Ronchi, The evolution of immersive technologies over time
Marco Denni, An eye on immersive experiences and installations. Observation of several case studies
Elena Spadoni, Investigating the design process of immersive experiences in the cultural and artistic domain
Guillem Bacete, Sendy Ghirardi, Chuan Li, Christoph Glauser, Loris Schmid, Bridging technological and cultural realms: a holistic framework for analysing user perspective in immersive experiences
Martina Scianname, Depicting future perspectives on immersive experiences through design-driven foresight workshops

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