Experience, Abstraction and the Scientific Image of the World.

A cura di: Claudio Calosi, Pierluigi Graziani, Davide Pietrini, Gino Tarozzi

Experience, Abstraction and the Scientific Image of the World.

Festschrift for Vincenzo Fano

The book contains different essays in honor of Vincenzo Fano, for his 60th birthday. They address several foundational issues in the philosophy and metaphysics of science, epistemology, history of science and philosophy, and the relation between philosophy, science, and art. The crucial aspect of the book is the constant dialogue between different forms of knowledge: from science to art, from philosophy to philology, from the classics to contemporary research. This also reflects the breadth of Fano’s philosophical research.

Pages: 406

ISBN: 9788835121398

Edition: 1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 490.111

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 406

ISBN: 9788835133742

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 490.111

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

The book contains different essays in honor of Vincenzo Fano, for his 60th birthday. They address several foundational issues in the philosophy and metaphysics of science, epistemology, history of science and philosophy, and the relation between philosophy, science, and art. The crucial aspect of the book-if we may single out one-is the constant dialogue between different forms of knowledge: from science to art, from philosophy to philology, from the classics to contemporary research. This also reflects the breadth of Fano's philosophical research. The essays have been written by leading figures in the respective fields and young researchers alike. It also contains an extensive reply by Vincenzo Fano himself. It is an example of Sellarsian philosophy at its best, a philosophy that strives to "understand how things in the broadest possible sense of the term hang together in the broadest possible sense of the term".

Claudio Calosi, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Geneva.

Pierluigi Graziani
, Assistant Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

Davide Pietrini, Secretary of the Interdepartmental Research Centre Urbino e la Prospettiva, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

Gino Tarozzi, Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

Claudio Calosi, Pierluigi Graziani, Davide Pietrini and Gino Tarozzi, Introduction
Philosophy of Physics
Gino Tarozzi, Vincenzo Fano and His Unconventional Anti Metaphysical Perspective on the Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Physics
Carlo Rovelli, Agency in Physics
Dennis Dieks, Wigner's Friend
F.A. Muller, Fano's Quantum Metaphysics
Enrico Cinti, Marco Sanchioni, Phenomenological Strings and String Phenomenology
Philosophy of Natural Science
Giovanni Boniolo, Mathematical Models and the Life Sciences
Marco Rocchi, Newton between Modern Science and Alchemical Interests
Almo Farina, The Vivo-scape Paradigm as a Tool to Harmonize Natural Disciplines and the Humanities
Gabriele Ferretti, On Epistemology and Vision Science
Science and Art
Sergio Doplicher, Laws of Nature, Emotion in Art and Science: Possible Biological Roots
Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini, Eleonora Negri, Parallel and Sequential Thinking in Science and in Music. A Quantum-logical Analysis
General Philosophy of Science (Naturalism, Scientific Realism, Metaphysics of Science)
Mauro Dorato, The Relation between Physics and Metaphysics in Vincenzo Fano's Philosophy
Mario Alai, Science, Common Sense, and Philosophy. 40 Years of Transcendental Queries
Alberto Corti, Should Philosophers of Science Be Interested in Metaphysics?
Marco Buzzoni, Mathematical vs Empirical Thought Experiments
Epistemology and Ethics (Science and Philosophy)
Fabio Minazzi, For a Historical-Critical Epistemology
Stefano Calboli, Gustavo Cevolani, Nudging: Ethical Concerns on Alien Control
Formal Methods in Philosophy (Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science)
Claudio Calosi, Presocratic Monism
Pierluigi Graziani, Geometric Constructions: a Tentative Taxonomy
History (Philosophy, Science, Didactics)
Guido Cusinato, Uexküll's Influence on Scheler and Its Relevance to the Current Enactive Perspective
Liana Lomiento, Socrates' Combat against Proteus. A Note on Euthyphro 15c-d
Rossella Lupacchini, Seeing Reality in Free Fall. Physical Knowledge and Metaphysical Background
Antonella Foligno, Davide Pietrini, The Emergence of the Technological Approach in the Mathematical School of Urbino
Giovanni Macchia, The Missing Letter. Freedom or Education?
Vincenzo Fano's Replies
Vincenzo Fano, Replies
Notes on Contributors.

Contributors: Mario Alai, Giovanni Boniolo, Marco Buzzoni, Stefano Calboli, Gustavo Cevolani, Enrico Cinti, Alberto Corti, Guido Cusinato, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Dennis Dieks, Sergio Doplicher, Mauro Dorato, Vincenzo Fano, Almo Farina, Gabriele Ferretti, Antonella Foligno, Roberto Giuntini, Liana Lomiento, Rossella Lupacchini, Giovanni Macchia, Fabio Minazzi, F. A. Muller, Eleonora Negri, Marco Rocchi, Carlo Rovelli, Marco Sanchioni

Serie: Epistemologia

Subjects: Epistemology - Science Philosophy

Level: Scholarly Research

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