Learning Experience Design

Alessia Brischetto

Learning Experience Design

Embracing human diversity through educational technology

Starting with the knowledge related to Ergonomics in Design and design for inclusion, this book aims to provide an opened and integrated point of view to the disciplines of cognitive psychology, pedagogy and human-computer interaction. It configures as a flexible tool for understanding key aspects concerning the use of technologies and their effects, with special regards to the experiential dimension on a human scale, particularly tailored to weaker people.

Pages: 236

ISBN: 9788835102113

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 319.10

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 236

ISBN: 9788835124894

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 319.10

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

In the modern society, the knowledge, its acquisition process and fruition are related to new forms of complexity, strictly connected to digital innovation, to the frequent use of network devices for sharing information and most in general, to the massive widespread of technology in everyday activities.
In the context of learning environments, digital technologies can reveal an effective tool to improve individual residual skills of weakest people (elderly, disables and children) as well to overcome impairments, defects, or temporary learning limitations. However, people are not always able to accomplish their tasks or predetermined activities, because tools or devices employed to acquire information are often poorly designed and they do not consider the specific needs of people. To address the shortcomings imposed by the fast growing of technological devices, new design solutions are increasingly required as well as a continuous redefinition of the goals to achieve in the projects together with the daily updating of methods and involved stakeholders.
Starting with the knowledge related to Ergonomics in Design and design for inclusion, this book aims to provide an opened and integrated point of view to the disciplines of cognitive psychology, pedagogy and human-computer interaction. It configures as a flexible tool for understanding key aspects concerning the use of technologies and their effects, with special regards to the experiential dimension on a human scale, particularly tailored to weaker people.
The book is supported by interviews to experts being focused on the sharing of expertise, experiences and design methodologies. It is also displayed a collection of operating case studies aimed at testing the effectiveness the proposed design approach and at developing novel designing scenarios to achieve inclusion and valorize human diversity.

Alessia Brischetto, Phd in Design, is a fixed-term Researcher at the Department of Architecture, University of Florence. Since 2010 she works mainly on the fields of Ergonomics for Design, usability of industrial products and design for inclusion, supporting the use of ICTs in learning environments. She has also taken part in several national and international research projects and collaborated with public administrations and important companies. She is also author of several peer-review papers, conference proceedings and books.

Francesca Tosi, Foreword - Design for learning: the project for inclusion
The contemporary dimension of inclusive learning
(Introduction; Socio-technological background; Knowledge society and the role of learning; Community strategies for the valorization of differences; The educational technologies sectors; Disability, inclusion e new technologies: from the accessibility to universal design; Towards a new definition of disability; ICF: a biopsychosocial model; Assistive Technologies and ICF; Access to technologies: defining accessibility; Design for all: what are the tools and methodologies involved?)
Digital Learning: strategies and initiatives at an international and national level
(Introduction; European strategies for inclusive education; The European ICT4I project: new technologies for inclusion; Italian Policies and Initiatives in the education environment; Italian Policies and Initiatives in the University field; Learning disorders in Europe and worldwide; Universal Design for Learning: the CAST's experience; Report on the main technologies supporting disabled students)
Cognitive aspects of digital learning
(Learning models mediated by ICT; Learning theories; Behaviourism: Learning as the Science of Behaviour Change; Cognitivism: the functioning of mind and machines; Hypertext and cognitivism; Constructivism: from machines to networks; Mayer's theory: Multimedia Learning; Analysis of the main learning models; Collaborative learning; Network learning: e-learning; Conclusions)
The contribution of design: disciplinary framework and methodological aspects
(Ergonomics and Human Factors; The Human-Centred Design approach; Human-Centred Design: strategy and tools; Usability tests; The User Experience; Universal Accessibility; Design for All; Universal Design; Inclusive Design and user exclusion models)
Towards the definition of an operational strategy to plan inclusive learning experiences
(Introduction; Advantages and disadvantages of ICT in formal learning contexts; Learning models mediated by ICT; Inclusive project strategies: UD and UD; Analysis of UDL platforms; Affinity between accessibility standards and the WCAG 2.0 and UDL guidelines; Moodle platform analysis; The contribution of the experts; Development of evaluation tools: simulation platform 0.2)
Design of learning experience: case studies
(Research objectives and methodology; Case study 1: VL4all learning platform; Case study 2: the Moodle 2.0 platform)
Appendix 1 (chapter 3): Guidelines and standards
Appendix 2 (chapter 6): Questionnaire.

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