Piazza Grande's laboratories between work and social action

A cura di: Alessandro Martelli, Maria Teresa Tagliaventi, Paolo Zurla

Piazza Grande's laboratories between work and social action

Pages: 208

ISBN: 9788846416544

Edition: 1a edizione 1999

Publisher code: 1529.2.46

Availability: Nulla

This work includes the outcome of a research conducted within the pilot project "Third system and employment", promoted and funded by DG V "Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs" of the European Union.

The research project, named "I laboratori di Piazza Grande. Legare occupazione, sviluppo sociale e ambientale"(Piazza Grande's laboratories. Connecting Employment, Social and Environmental Development), was co-ordinated by the Association "Amici di Piazza Grande" (Friends of Piazza Grande) and involved also two more participants: Cile-Cgil and Iress. The last one examined the empirical aspects of the matter.

The survey was carried out with regard to the activities of the "non profit group Piazza Grande", established in Bologna at the fringes of the publication of the first Italian street newspaper by the homeless, and which subsequently developed into an association and a co-operative, firmly committed to fighting social exclusion.

The analysis - realized with the participation of disadvantaged individuals acting as mediators/interviewers - allowed to examine an innovative instance of self-entrepreneurship among adults experiencing social hardship. This instance offers interesting ideas to reflect upon the complex actions and interventions experimented in order to start promotion processes along the line that from social exclusion may lead to the introduction into the labour market.

The topic has been dealt with by exploiting a sociological framework, integrating it with legal and economic contributions.

Pina Lalli is a professor of Sociology of Communication, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Bologna University.

Andrea Lassandari , PhD in Labour Law and Industrial Relations, is a lecturer in Labour Law II for the course of University Diploma for Labour Consultants, Faculty of Law, Bologna University.

Alessandro Martelli , PhD in Sociology and Social Policies, holds a teaching module within the course of Sociology of the University Diploma for Social Control and Security Operators, Faculty of Political Science, Bologna University.

Maria Teresa Tagliaventi , PhD in Sociology and Social Policies, collaborates with the National Centre of Documentation and Analysis on Childhood and Adolescence in Florence.

Claudio Travaglini is a professor of Business Economics, Faculty of Economics, Molise University.

Paolo Zurla is a professor of Sociology and Labour Sociology, Faculty of Political Science, Bologna University and secretary of the Scientific Board of Iress.


Association "Amici di Piazza Grande", Introduction

Bruno Pizzica, Maria Assunta Serenari , Introduction

Flavia Franzoni , Foreword

Paolo Zurla , Studying an associative experience of homeless: dilemmas, tools and context

(The "dilemmas" of the in-depth study ; Informative objectives and research tools; The research methodology; The Bologna context: a laboratory of welfare policies and a place of emergence of metropolitan problems)

Maria Teresa Tagliaventi , The experience of Piazza Grande (1993-1998): from the street paper to the Co-operative

(A "moving" idea; The Association "Amici di Piazza Grande"; Between Association and Co-operative)

Alessandro Martelli , The activities of the group "Piazza Grande"

(Mutual Aid; The Mobile Support Service; The Night Shelter and the Protected Portico; Temporary lodging; Publishing and awareness-raising initiatives; The activities of the laboratories; Street Jazz: a project for self-employment in the area of music and entertainment)

Maria Teresa Tagliaventi , From the street to the "Piazza": identities at stake

(From the hobo to the homeless; The street, the square and other places; Identity and belonging)

Alessandro Martelli , Between work and social action

(Economy and work in a social perspective; The "social" work of Piazza Grande; Working processes between social reinstatement and development of competence)

Pina Lalli , The experience of an active minority: cultural and communicative aspects

(The interpretative framework; "The voice of the vagrant"; Diffusion: works in progress)

Andrea Lassandari , The "work" of Piazza Grande: problems of juridical qualification

(The approach taken; Piazza Grande's activities; For a hypothesis of juridical qualification: preliminary data; The comparison with the concept of subordination; Voluntary work performances; The mutual element)

Claudio Travaglini , Synergies and potentialities between social and labour policies: economic and business perspective

(The formal characters of the company and the non profit group Piazza Grande; The evolution of the group from the regularisation of the relations within the Association to the creation of the Co-operative; The economic framework: support, commitment and self-management; Co-operative, Association and "law visibility"; The entrepreneurial value, the economic and business interpretation of the experience and the conditions for development)

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