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Seven Years of Design Research at Politecnico di Milano

A cura di: Francesca Rizzo

Seven Years of Design Research at Politecnico di Milano

Analysis of the funded research projects

Which are the main research funds currently accessed by the Department of Design? What are the topics explored through them and which are the interconnections with the Department core research activities? Also, what are the research products delivered, the reached outcomes, and the expected impacts BY these research projects? The book synthesises the results of a qualitative analysis conducted over 32 research projects coordinated or participated in by the researchers of the Department in the timeframe 2014-mid 2021. The results of the analysis confirm the high-level attractiveness of the Department research profile on core topics such as design methodology, service design, and health.

Pagine: 224

ISBN: 9788835144380

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Codice editore: 10319.19

Informazioni sugli open access

The book explores evolving perspectives on furniture, interior, spatial and architectural design, providing a multifaceted view of how the design discipline and practice deal with the complex and ever-evolving interplay between the physical and the digital realms. It explores the new frontiers of digitally enhanced design, investigating how computation capabilities impact the design discipline and designers' thinking and practice. Today more than ever, the design discipline must cope with the need to absorb technical skills and dialogue with traditionally distant domains. The core competencies in the Human-Computer Interaction field are becoming essential to every design branch: the computational power is entering the design process, modifying how products and spaces are designed, how they are produced, and how they will impact the daily life of users.
The book explores these novel frontiers, proposing captivating portraits of digitally enhanced design possibilities, from tools and processes to expressive potentials.
Industry 4.0 and traditional craftsmanship hybridize in view of a circular and just economy for the furniture sector, imagining new approaches towards the European Green Deal. The sensing capabilities are intertwined with the materials to create a new form of animated objects, proposing a novel design approach beyond the user-centered one. The computational power of lighting design tools is entering the complex BIM methodology, exploring the problematic integration between the two worlds, and proposing solutions to support the design activity. Artificial Intelligence reframes the domestic landscape, thanks to Science Fiction Scenarios, to stimulate reflection on the designer's role in framing utopic/dystopic futures. Finally, data drive the design of adaptive morphologies, exploring the context of computational design with a conceptual framework and reflecting on how robotic design can contribute to architecture.

Maurizio Rossi, Davide Spallazzo, Foreword
Andrea Siniscalco, Gianluca Guarini, New scenarios for lighting design tools
Beatrice Sarti, Alice Plutino, Gabriele Simone, Digital color acquisition and management of cultural heritage: from spectrophotometry to digital imaging
James C. Postell, Mauro A. Ceconello,
Strengthening knowledge of the transition to a circular economy in the furniture sector
Attilio Nebuloni, Design by data in adaptive morphologies
Henriette Bier, Developing Interactive Architecture Prototypes by Means of Design-to-Robotic-Operation
Marinella Ferrara, Alessandro Squatrito, From smart materials to Animate Objects. Reframing smartness through behavior Exploration
Martina Sciannamè, Davide Spallazzo,
Reframing the domestic smartness. Artificial intelligence between utopia and dystopia

Contributi: Patrizia Bolzan, Annalinda De Rosa, Alessandro Deserti, Venere Ferraro, Ilaria Mariani, Marzia Mortati, Xue Pei, Davide Spallazzo

Collana: Design International - Open Access

Argomenti: Architettura, design, territorio

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