Urban Safety and Security

A cura di: Emanuela Bonini Lessing

Urban Safety and Security

This book gives accounts of different strategies showing an impact on urban safety and security in European and non-European cities – being it the main goal or only a “secondary effect” of the observed urban policies, and being their result effective or only perceived. The essays describe the process, the stakeholders as well as the specific tools that have been employed. They reveal site-specific consequences both on the urban fabric as well as on the lifestyle of different social groups.

Pages: 158

ISBN: 9788891727008

Edition: 1a edizione 2015

Publisher code: 2000.1438

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 158

ISBN: 9788891733689

Edizione:1a edizione 2015

Publisher code: 2000.1438

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 158

ISBN: 9788891735089

Edizione:1a edizione 2015

Publisher code: 2000.1438

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

This book gives account of different strategies showing an impact on urban safety and security in European and non-European cities - being it the main goal or only a 'secondary effect' of the observed urban policies, and being their result real or only perceived. The essays describe the process, the stakeholders as well as the peculiar tools that have been employed. They reveal site-specific consequences both on the urban fabric as well as on the lifestyle of different social groups.
Two of the trhee described scientific works are lead by IUAV University of Venice, the other one by SUPSI and performed with the contribution of IUAV scholars.
Reducing Boundaries considers the way in which the high and upper-middle classes configure as a goal the preservation of their own security, and the ensuing strategies they put in action in order to achieve it.
Mobile A2K- Culture and Safety in Africa focuses on the role of public art actions in the perception of safety and security expressed by the local population of the violent African cities of Douala, Luanda and Johannesburg.
Sharing Space aims at acquiring expertise and knowledge on different features of the international migration phenomenon, with the purpose of gaining an understanding of the nexus between international migrants and the cities' collective urban space.
Each chapter is concluded by a Focus on: a complementary essay, edited by a visual design curator or a communication designer, originating from similar although separated research questions.
The three principal investigations are qualified by a cross-disciplinary approach: research teams include urban designers, policy planners, communication designers, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers and other experts. All works were based on field researches and comparative studies. They were made possible thanks to open calls supported by prestigious international scientific institutions, mainly the European Research Agency and the Swiss Network for International Studies.

Emanuela Bonini Lessing holds a Ph.D. in Design Sciences and is Assistant Professor at IUAV University of Venice. Her work deals primarily with communication theory and design in European cities and regions. Her publications include the book Interfacce metropolitane. Frammenti di corporate identity (Milan 2010). Coordinator of the research project Reducing Boundaries, she has been awarded in 2013 and 2014 by the German Academic Exchange Service.

Emanuela Bonini Lessing, Foreword: An Introduction to Urban Safety and Security
Reducing Boundaries
Emanuela Bonini Lessing, Research Purposes
Luisa Tuttolomondo,
Security in Porto Alegre: Actors, Frames and Policies
Andrea Facchetti, Rendering Security. Imaginaries of Exclusivity and Exclusion in Porto Alegre
Focus on: Favelization, Adriana Kertzer
Culture and Safety in Africa
Iolanda Pensa, Davide Fornari,
Mobile Access to Knowledge: Culture and Safety in Africa. Documenting and Assessing the Impact of Cultural Events and Public Art on Urban Safety
Marta Pucciarelli, Culture and Safety in Douala: The Cases of New Bell and Bessengue
Fabio Vanin,
Physical and Ephemeral Devices for Urban Security: the Case of Luanda
Caroline Wanjiku Kihato,
Public Art and Safety in Johannesburg
Focus on: Security in the Media, Nicola Vittori
Sharing Spaces
Giovanna Marconi, Sharing Spaces in Multicultural Cities
Jo Vearey, Marlise Richter,
Implications of Football World Cup 2010 in Johannesburg. The Lived Experiences of Migrant Sex Workers
Sergio Andrés Kaminker, From Slum to Neighborhood. Informal Settlements, Safety and Presence of State in a Mid-Size City in the Argentinean Patagonia
Focus on: Jerusalem. Mapping the News and Personal Data, Luigi Farrauto
About the Authors.

Contributors: Andrea Facchetti, Luigi Farrauto, Davide Fornari, Sergio Andrés Kaminker, Adriana Kertzer, Caroline Wanjiku Kihato, Giovanna Marconi, Iolanda Pensa, Marta Pucciarelli, Marlise Richter, Luisa Tuttolomondo, Fabio Vanin, Jo Vearey, Nicola Vittori

Serie: Varie

Subjects: Service Design and Experience Design - Urban and territorial policies

Level: Scholarly Research

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