David L. Altheide

Media and Fear: After Terrorism


Fascicolo: 54 / 2017

This paper tries to underline the connections between decisions, policies, and especially the role of propaganda and the politics of fear that have helped set the 21st century agenda. In fact the dominance of the politics of fear and harsh language in justifying military and political action in combating terrorism was retargeted at domestic issues, policies, and individuals. The audience was primed to entertaining media presentations of dehumanizing and crude language especially after 9/11. Crime and war were used as narratives by the politics of fear that have drastically changed our culture and paved the way to the "war on terrorism" not only outside USA but also at home.

Andrea Salvini, David Altheide

The Present and Future of Symbolic Interactionism.

Proceedings of the International Symposium, Pisa 2010. Vol. II

This collection of selected paper by many people engaged or interested in Symbolic Interactionism, illustrates well the wide horizon of application of this perspective in many substantive theoretical and empirical dimensions.

cod. 1520.719.2

Andrea Salvini, Joseph Kotarba

The Present and Future of Symbolic Interactionism.

Vol. I. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Pisa 2010

This collection of keynote addresses by some of the most important and influential interactionists anywhere illustrates well the strengths as well as the promise of a truly international Symbolic Interactionism, and shows the vitality of the perspective in the present social sciences.

cod. 1520.719.1