Marcello De Rosa, Enrico Turri

Informazione e consumi alimentari. Il caso delle produzioni tipiche


Fascicolo: 3 / 2000

The aim of the paper is to describe the cost of information the consumer takes in the case of typical products and the differences with the standard products. The hypothesis of the authors is that the total costs of information is higher for typical products than for standard products, and this could determine the failure of a specific italian production. The methodology makes reference to the theory of conventions and uses the cathegory of transaction cost: by distinguishing among different kind of convention of qualification, the authors find a risk for typical products that wants to penetrate the national and international markets. In fact, the increasing distances between producer of typical products and their consumers could generate an higher cost of information and the choice of industrial products. Putting into practice a strategy of comunication and limiting the growth of denomination of origin could avoid a general confusion in the consumer and a conscious knowledge about typical products.