Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Renato Stella

Digital literacy e giovani

Strumenti per comprendere, misurare, intervenire

Attraverso riflessioni teoriche, ricerche empiriche e alcuni esempi di interventi svolti nel nostro paese, questo libro mira a fornire gli strumenti interpretativi utili a orientarsi all’interno di un panorama complesso e articolato come quello della Digital Literacy.

cod. 244.1.81

Giovannella Greco

Pubbliche intimità

L'affettivo quotidiano nei siti di Social Network

Quali declinazioni e quali significati assume l’intimità nel web sociale? Come cambia la vita interiore e privata delle persone e come si riconfigurano le relazioni affettive quotidiane tra vita online e offline? Sono questi alcuni dei nodi che animano il volume, che esplora le dinamiche complesse dell’intimità e dell’affettivo quotidiano nello spazio pubblico interconnesso dei siti di Social Network.

cod. 1097.1.6

Giovannella Greco

Violenza televisiva e minori. Primi risultati di una ricerca in corso nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia


Fascicolo: 32 / 2001

The transformations occurred in the world of communication and in the cultural contest that the media have greatly contributed to determine, ask the social researchers for more empirical investigation and theorical consideration on the constitutive aspects of the link communication-education, within the new technological and anthropological scenarios. The interest of the Media Education has been progressively focused on these aspects, and the present article on "Violence in TV, subculture and juvenile deviance in Southern Italy" takes part in this interest. This Italian research wants to verify the consistence and quality of the effects that violence in TV can have on the juvenile people in sample-regions like Campania and Calabria, where a "subculture of violence" is shared, linked to the presence of camorra or ‘ndrangheta in these areas. The first results from the analysis of data about a wide sample of 1.560 subjects, have put in evidence some significant trends related to the TV consume, leisure time and value scale of Southern Italian children and teen-agers, and to opinions, attitudes and behaviour they have towards violence in TV and actual violence. After taking into consideration the connection between actual experiences and mediate experiences from the representations of violence in TV, and the different vision of violence in adults and children, the research team is currently working on a qualitative investigation of the observed phenomenon, in order to verify the social representations of violence shared by juvenile people (children and teen-agers) and adults (parents and teachers) in the social areas took into exam (Campania and Calabria).

Giovannella Greco, Rosario Ponziano

Musica è comunicazione

L'esperienza della musica e della comunicazione

cod. 1381.1.12