Janice M. Morse

The global dissemination of qualitative nursing research methods


Fascicolo: 1 / 2017

Social science research is in the midst of an enormous methodological transition, adding to, and expanding our abilities and capabilities as researchers. In the past three decades, qualitative methods have transitioned from anthropology and sociology into the applied disciplines-particularly, into education and health care. This transition is expanding nursing’s repertoire of research methods, and enabling nurse researchers to get inside the illness experience and the processes of providing care. In nursing, qualitative methods provide us with the abilities to elicit the individuals’ experiences, and to recognize patterns of experiences of illness, care and recovering health. The issue discussed here concerns us all: How are qualitative methods disseminated globally? How do those researchers with the barriers of language, distant programs, lacking mentors and research methods courses, manage to access the information needed to gain expertise in qualitative methods? Here, I explore the modes of global dissemination of qualitative inquiry, as we work towards establishing a global community for nursing research.

Richards Lyn, Janice M. Morse

Fare ricerca qualitativa

Prima guida

Con uno stile fresco e colloquiale, questo manuale si propone come guida introduttiva per i ricercatori (in ambito sociale, psicologico, economico) che per la prima volta si accostano ai metodi qualitativi. Il testo affianca alle indicazioni pratiche per superare le sfide insite nelle fasi di progettazione, di raccolta e analisi dei dati, di costruzione e comunicazione dei risultati, una ricca bibliografia di approfondimento sugli assunti teorici e metodologici di base della ricerca qualitativa.

cod. 1585.9

Janice M. Morse

Verso una teoria della prassi della sofferenza


Fascicolo: 1 / 2003

In this article, the major findings from a research program exploring the behavioral-experiential nature of suffering are revised and summarized. Suffering is perceived as comprising of two major behavioral states: enduring (in which emotions are suppressed, and is manifested as an emotionless state) and emotional suffering (an overt state of distress in which emotions are released). Individuals who are suffering move back and forth between these two states according to their own needs, their recognition/acknowledgement/acceptance of events, the context, and the needs and responses of others. Implications for the provision of comfort during suffering states are presented