Consuelo Corradi

I modelli sociali della violenza contro le donne

Rileggere la violenza nella modernità

L’ipotesi che ispira il libro è che le spiegazioni tradizionali della violenza contro le donne (il patriarcato e il genere) non illustrano in modo univoco i cambiamenti di donne e uomini italiani, i ruoli sociali che essi ed esse occupano, i loro progetti di vita, aspirazioni e differenziali di potere. In quest’ottica, il volume offre una lettura quantitativa e qualitativa del fenomeno, riflette sulle moderne nozioni di amore ed eros, pone l’attenzione ai mutamenti delle identità femminili e maschili…

cod. 1044.65

Raffaele Rauty



Fascicolo: 117 / 2018

Fabio de Nardis, Mariano Longo

Menti precarie e lavoro cognitivo.

Le professioni intellettuali nell'Italia del Sud

Il volume affronta il tema del capitalismo cognitivo e delle forme di precarizzazione lavorativa che esso assume nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia. Il libro indaga, combinando ricostruzione teorica e indagine empirica, l’ethos dei lavoratori della conoscenza in alcuni ambiti specifici: i media locali; la progettazione comunitaria; l’università e la ricerca scientifica; i servizi per i giovani; i call center.

cod. 634.7

Raffaele Rauty

Ernest Watson Burgess, l’uomo di Chicago


Fascicolo: 103 / 2014

Ernest Watson Burgess is mostly known as the man of «urban growth» or as the co-author, with Robert Park, of The Introduction to the Science of Sociology. However, his theoretical approach was also connected to issues of parole violation, juvenile delinquency and, significantly, to the debate on methods of research. Burgess, who directed several surveys and had a strong proclivity for case studies and firsthand data, combined his inclination with a strong flexibility in the use of research methods, which emphasized the value of the statistical approach in a positive relationship with William Ogburn, main member of the department of quantitative methods.

Andrea Salvini, Joseph Kotarba

The Present and Future of Symbolic Interactionism.

Vol. I. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Pisa 2010

This collection of keynote addresses by some of the most important and influential interactionists anywhere illustrates well the strengths as well as the promise of a truly international Symbolic Interactionism, and shows the vitality of the perspective in the present social sciences.

cod. 1520.719.1

Gennaro Avallone, Raffaele Rauty

Mobilità, lavoro e cittadinanza dei migranti nelle città dell'Italia contemporanea


Fascicolo: 83 / 2007

Social phenomena of individual mobility and migrations represent central processes in the transformation of contemporary Western societies. Social dimensions interested by migrations are multiple and their investigation asks for a critical approach on both cognitive aspects, produced in common sense and in social sciences, and concrete contexts of social life. Our essay points in evidence some social spheres that are remarkable for the analysis of relationships among local population and migrants, recognizing a centrality to employment relations and public politics acted towards the citizenship and the urban life of migrants that live in the Italian society.

Raffaele Rauty



Fascicolo: 2 / 2006

This article illustrates a brief history of Sociologia urbana e rurale through two sections. The first regards an interview with Paolo Guidicini, the journal’s director, and it is in collaboration with Giuseppe Scidà, whereas the other section includes a classification of the array of articles published on the journal from its beginning (1979). The interview illustrates the course of Sociologia urbana e rurale and it explains reasons and items of journal’s history. In this dialogue Paolo Guidicini emphasizes the need of a new empirical approach for the sciences of territory. Besides it is evident the effort made from Sociologia urbana e rurale to blaze a trail for a large array of fields of interests, from urban to rural sociology, from community’s studies to sociology of tourism, along the changes of society. This last aspect is evidenced in detail from the second section of article (compiled by Avallone): here is presented a classification of all articles of Sociologia urbana e rurale according to analytical categories and sub-categories. The work is supplied with a classification of book’s reviews and a statistic summary of Sociologia urbana e rurale ‘s articles.