Emilio Gerelli

Catastrofismo e terremoti

Partendo dall’analisi dei messaggi di previsione di catastrofe diffusi dai catastrofisti, il volume esamina alcuni dei più importanti capisaldi del pensiero catastrofista, e si focalizza poi sull’analisi della gestione di alcuni importanti terremoti del passato, sin dal terremoto di Lisbona del 1755, che ha aperto la via alla sismologia e alla conoscenza delle misure utili ad affrontare questo tipo di catastrofe minimizzandone l’impatto.

cod. 364.185

Rita Cellerino, Emilio Gerelli

Blackout elettrici: una lezione utile


Fascicolo: 3 / 2004

On September 28, 2003, Italy ran without electricity supply for more than 12 hours because of an accident. However, shortly before this accident, during the summer, already five blackouts had taken place. This shows that beside some occasional circumstances (which we analyse), the causes of such too frequent system failures are also structural and due especially to a long-term shortage in electricity supply. We therefore investigate such causes, due in particular to the Malthusian policy implemented in recent years by the former electricity monopolist ENEL (still holding considerable market power), the complicated laws regulating the siting of electricity plants, the NIMBY sindrome, for which we propose some possible treatment to ease negotiations among local communities and industry. We conclude by discussing the possible introduction of capacity payment, the legislation underway to provide an incentive to the building of new electricity production plants. We also argue that the process of privatization of electricity production undertaken must be completed, so that consumers may reap the advantages of lower electricity prices. However at the same time a better regulation and definition of the public service obligations which private firms must bear is needed to avoid further damaging blackouts.